viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

!Hello clasmmates! :D

!Hello!  this is mi first post in english four, so...  i  will write start again. 

Mi name is Melisa, i study Education in the Universidad de Chile, in the last term i was relaxed because i had time for study, and in this month i have learn about  literature and some authors, is very interesting because i like the reading. 

I don´t like the sports, i like the art, because i feel good with the pencil and the paint, the colours and tendencies. Also, the music is entertaining, i like many topics. 

I think that my big problem in the last months was the motivation, often  my energy was missing. But now i can have goals that are creatives for myself, i say, with activities more fun and with that i have energy.

In the last month July with my friends i had time for conversations and rides because i was with holidays in the winter.  Many days i could see to my family and i enjoyed of activities with them.  

Thank for reading my note, i see you. 

Bye !!! :)
